Fast facts -- The big cats!

-- The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere.
-- This spotted cat most closely resembles the leopard physically, although it is usually larger and of sturdier build and its behavioral and habitat characteristics are closer to those of the tiger.
-- The jaguar has an exceptionally powerful bite, even relative to the other big cats, that allows it to pierce turtle shells and to employ an unusual killing method: it bites directly through the skull of prey between the ears to deliver a fatal bite to the brain.
-- It is strongly associated with the presence of water and is notable, along with the tiger, as a feline that enjoys swimming.
-- A condition known as melanism occurs in the species found in about six percent of the population.Jaguars with melanism appear entirely black, although their spots are still visible on close examination. Melanistic Jaguars are informally known as black panthers, but do not form a separate species.