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Friday, November 28, 2008

terrorist attack in mumbai

now,again a terrorist attack in mumabi. what is going on. when will they stop terreroism. what they want to do. are they totaly mad. is only hardcore saftey only thing to be in safe at our home. there is no world to tell them. why they doing for.
there are many question aries in mind not only in my mind but i know these are everybody questions.
everyperson in know that, from where did they come? and for what they do. this is nonsense thing to do, will they stop any time. i think, this is only bluffing for Kashmir. if we handover the kashmir, they will not stp either, because they only want terrorise peerson, they will search another point and will use against us, not only against indian but all against living humen being.
so think , answere me, if you are not daring.

Friday, November 7, 2008

big time for the world

hey all you people, do you know this is big time for the world. and the world is just shaking on doldrum.
first one is that world is going down in the fever of recession. this is big time for that because every one is affected by that problem. the orld economy is going down, and people is quiting his life, that is troublesome.
second one is that terrerorism is the major trouble in country since long time. amd the people is affraid from that in every time.
and the third one is world known problem, Globle Warming. every literate person know about that but do nothing. and i think this is world's largest problom in evry time.
these are the problem in the world today and world have to solve these problem.
unless world will go toi shaken.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

barack obama

i want to wish to Mr. Barack Obama, to becoming the new president of the USA. now again domocrates have win their presidential election in USA after BILL CLINTON. i think this not strange thing to have a black president. because this was certain that after the republican, the democrates have to win. so this time lucky is Barack Obama. and don't be surprised to see obama there.
but now Obama has won their election then change will come in America. as a black, obama certainly do new thing for their own people, for america and surely for kenyan people. this african nation now catch the special attention by other countries too.
so i hope, Obama will have a great journry for America.