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Monday, November 7, 2011

RBI-Quantitative Credit Control

  1. Stipulation of certain minimum margin in respect of advance against specified commodities- is adopted by RBI does not fall within "general" or "quantitative" method of credit control.
  2. For the performance of its duties as the regulator of credit, the RBI posses the usual instruments of general credit control viz,- Bank Rate, Open market operation and the power to vary the reserve requirements of banks.
  3. Open market operation are employed by RBI with a view to- minimise fluctuations in money supply, as as an adjunct to Bank Rate to make it function more effectively, maintain stability in the average price of government securities.
  4. Bank rate policy, open market operations, variable reserve reserve requirements and, statutory liquidity requirements employed by RBI as measures of credit control are classified as- Quantitative methods.
  5. Selective credit control, credit authorisation scheme, Moral Suasion- are fall under the Qualitative methods of credit control adopted  by RBI.
  6. The term Moral Suasion refers to- the advice given by RBI to banks/financial institution in the matter of their lending and other operations with the objective that they might implement or follow it.

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