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Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Strings Attached

Critic's Rating:  ***
Cast: Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman, Kevin Kline
Direction: Ivan Reitman
Genre: Romance
Duration: 2 hours
Readers Rating: ***1/2
More from No Strings Attached
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Story: Adam and Emma want no strings attached to their physical encounters. But it's not long before they realise there's something missing out there. Is it love?

Movie Review: First time they met was when they were six years old. Now they meet after some twenty years. And nothing's changed between Adam (Ashton Kutcher) and Emma (Natalie Portman), for sex is still their guiding force. They wanted to do it then. They want to do it even now. And one fine day when they just do it, life's totally in sync. Meet the sex buddies, Adam -- the creative guy -- and Emma -- the doctor -- who are always there for each other... during times of physical need. Perfect? Not really, at least not for Adam who wants to take a step further and add an emotional quotient to his libido.

Now that's a problem for the Doctor Emma who wants everything with no strings attached. And that's also a problem for No Strings Attached. Have we not seen all that before? Commitment phobia followed by no flowers please, no expectations, no jealousy, no meeting everyday, no cooking for each other, no blah-blah-blah.

It's the Ashton and Natalie chemistry that makes for some sparkling romance here. Laugh over some smart one liners and get into V-day mood before D-day.

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